Regular Board Meeting

Meeting #:
CSRD Boardroom
555 Harbourfront Drive NE, Salmon Arm

We acknowledge that we are meeting in service to the Columbia Shuswap Regional District which is on the traditional and unceded territories of the Secwepemc, Syilx Okanagan, Sinixt and Ktunaxa Nation. We are privileged and grateful to be able to live, work and play in this beautiful area.

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
Article 18: Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision-making institutions.

  • THAT: the Regular Board meeting agenda be adopted.

  • THAT: the minutes attached to the Regular Board meeting agenda be adopted.

Discussion item added as item 9.2.

Chris Nicholl, Information Technology Coordinator

Presentation by Danielle Hubbard, Chief Executive Officer, Okanagan Regional Library

Reid Drummond, Consultant Project Manager, Integris Consulting Ltd., to provide a update for the Trans Canada Highway - Ford Road to Tappen Valley Road Project.

  • THAT: the Board receive the correspondence attached to the Regular Board Meeting Agenda.

Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole meeting:

THAT: the Board approve staff to explore an elector assent process for service delivery to provide road rescue service within the fire suppression boundaries of the Shuswap Fire Department in Area G, Falkland, and Area F sub-regional fire service boundaries.

Link to the Road Rescue Staff Report and Attachments.

THAT: the Board direct staff to engage with colleagues at member municipalities to discuss partnership opportunities for septage waste management and present a findings report at a future Board meeting to including cost/funding analysis of treatment plant upgrades if sufficient partnership support is available.

Link to the Septage and Sewer Waste Management Staff Report and Attachments.

THAT: if any eligible permissive tax exemption request is received, the Board direct staff to bring it forward to the Board for consideration.

Link to the Permissive Tax Exemption Staff Report.

Recommendations from the EAD Committee meeting:

THAT: the Board direct Corporate Services staff to invite the RCMP to attend a future Electoral Area Directors' Committee meeting to discuss communications and statistics.

Verbal report from Chair Flynn and Vice Chair Melnychuk.

Report from John MacLean, CAO, dated October 3, 2024.

  • THAT: the Board establish a select committee called the “Shuswap Economic Development/Tourism Participant Review Committee”.

    Corporate Vote Unweighted

  • THAT: The Board approves the attached Terms of Reference for the Shuswap Economic Development/Tourism Participant Review Committee.

    Corporate Vote Unweighted

Report from Ben Van Nostrand, General Manager, Environmental and Utility Services, dated October 2, 2024. A report seeking Board authorization for awarding the Golden, Revelstoke, Sicamous and Salmon Arm Landfill Cover and Compaction Services contracts.

  • THAT: the Board endorse the authorized signatories to enter into an agreement, for the Cover and Compaction Services for the Sicamous landfill, with Rex Putney & Frank Strain for a five-year term in the amount of $1,121,105 plus applicable taxes and annual CPI adjustments over the term of the agreement.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

  • THAT: the Board endorse the authorized signatories to enter into an agreement, for the Cover and Compaction Services for the Salmon Arm landfill, with Core Environmental for a five-year term in the amount of $3,529,576.50 plus applicable taxes and annual CPI adjustments over the term of the agreement.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

  • THAT: the Board endorse the authorized signatories to enter into an agreement, for the Cover and Compaction Services for the Revelstoke landfill, with Elite Septic and Excavation for a five-year term in the amount of $1,741,434.85 plus applicable taxes and annual CPI adjustments over the term of the agreement.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

  • THAT: the Board endorse the authorized signatories to enter into an agreement, for the Cover and Compaction Services for the Golden landfill, with Pet Eagle Contracting Ltd. for a five-year term in the amount of $1,679,198.25 plus applicable taxes and annual CPI adjustments over the term of the agreement.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

Report from Ben Van Nostrand, General Manager, Environmental and Utility Services, dated October 3, 2024. A report seeking Board authorization for awarding the contracts for the continued location and operations of recycling services in Salmon Arm and Revelstoke.

  • THAT: the Board endorse the authorized signatories to enter into an agreement, for the downtown Salmon Arm Recycling Depot location and Site Attendant Operations, with Bill’s Bottle Depot for a three-year term, including the option to renew for a two-year term, in the amount of $679,080 plus applicable taxes.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

  • THAT: the Board endorse the authorized signatories to enter into an agreement, for the downtown Revelstoke Recycling Depot location and Site Attendant Operations, with B&D Bottlers Ltd. (dba Revelstoke Bottle Depot) for a three-year term, including the option to renew for a two-year term, in the amount of $740,400 plus applicable taxes.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

Report from Jodi Pierce, General Manager, Financial Services dated October 3, 2024. Authorize contract for audit services and appointment of auditor.

  • THAT: the Board empower the authorized signatories to enter into a five year agreement with BDO Canada LLP for the provision of annual financial statement audit services for fiscal year ends 2024 to 2028 (inclusive) at a cost of $198,646, this 17th day of October, 2024.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

  • THAT: In accordance with Section 169, Subsection (1) of the Community Charter, the appointment of BDO Canada LLP as the auditors for the 2024-2028 year-end Financial Statements be approved, this 17th day of October, 2024.

    Corporate Vote Unweighted Majority

Report from Ben Van Nostrand, General Manager, Environmental and Utility Services, dated October 3, 2024. A report seeking Board authorization for awarding the Golden landfill scalehouse operator contract.

  • THAT: the Board endorse the authorized signatories to enter into an agreement, for the operation of the Golden landfill scalehouse, with Euroworld Corporation for a three-year term, including the two, one year options to renew, in the amount of $473,500 plus applicable taxes and annual CPI adjustments over the term of the agreement.

    Corporate Vote Weighted Majority

Report from Tim Perepolkin, Manager, Utility Services, dated October 2, 2024. Emergency repairs and pump replacement funding allocation.

  • THAT: the Board approve reallocation of $30,750 of surplus funds from the Area G - Community Works Fund originally approved for the 2023 Cedar Heights Valve Replacement Project to cover costs of the emergency repairs.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

  • THAT: the Board approve use of $65,000 from the Strategic Priorities Community Works Funds to cover costs associated with replacement of pumps, motors, piping and electrical cables.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

Report from Jodi Pierce, General Manager, Financial Services, dated October 4, 2024. Funding requests for consideration.

  • THAT: with the concurrence of the City of Revelstoke and the Electoral Area B Director, the Board approve the following amounts from the Revelstoke and Area B Economic Opportunity Fund:

    $25,000 to the City of Revelstoke for economic and environmental indicator data, analysis and strategy. 

    $12,500 to the City of Revelstoke to support the Government of BC’s Rural Economic Development & Infrastructure Program (REDIP) grant for investment attraction that includes a land use Feasibility Study for the Westside Lands, which are subject to Section 17 of the BC Land Act.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

Report from Jodi Pierce, General Manager, Financial Services, dated October 4, 2024. Funding requests for consideration.

  • THAT: the Board approve the following allocations from the 2024 Electoral Area Grant-in-Aids:

    Area A

    $7,500 Golden Food Bank Society (poverty reduction study)

    $2,500 Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce (2024 Business and Community Excellence Awards)

    Area C

    $1,900 Eagle Bay Fire Association (fall community event)

    $9,357 Sunnybrae Seniors Society (new flooring)

    Area E

    $2,000 The Joe Schandelle Firefighters Foundation (Halloween event)

    $2,000 Eagle River Secondary PAC (ice rink time)

    $500 Kamloops Symphony Society (Salmon Arm concert series)

    Area F

    $2,000 Anglemont Fire Fighters’ Association (retirement banquet)

    Area G

    $20,000 Blind Bay Community Society (Roof replacement)

    Stakeholder Vote Weighted – Electoral Area Directors

  • THAT: pursuant to Section 90(1) of the Community Charter, the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following:

    (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;

    (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public;

    AND THAT: the Board close this portion of the meeting to the public and move to into the Closed Session of the meeting. 

Report from Marty Herbert, Manager, Building and Bylaw Services, dated October 3, 2024. Policy amendments for Board consideration.

  • THAT: that the Board endorse amendment to Policy P-26 “Building Permit Geohazard Information Use and Procedure” and approve its inclusion into the CSRD Policy manual, this 17th day of October, 2024.

    Corporate Vote Unweighted Majority

Report from Ken Gobeil, Senior Planner, dated September 27, 2024
5672 Lashburn Rd, 6015 Shaw Rd, Ranchero

  • THAT: Application No. LC2610 Section 21(2) - Subdivision for the South half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32 Township 19 Range 9 West of the 6th Meridian Kamloops Division Yale District Excluding (1) Parcel A (2) Plan 29147; and Lot 1 Section 32 Township 19, Range 9 West of the 6th Meridian Kamloops Division Yale District Plan KAP47991 Excluding Plan KAP87174 be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission recommending approval, this 17th day of October, 2024.

    Corporate Vote Unweighted Majority

Report from Ken Gobeil, Senior Planner, dated September 27, 2024. 3033 and 3045 McTavish Rd, Glenemma

  • THAT: Application No. LC2611 Section 21(2) - Subdivision for Lot 1, Section 30, Township 17, Range 10, West of the 6th Meridian, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 40938 be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission recommending approval, this 17th day of October 2024.

    Corporate Vote Unweighted Majority

Report from Laura Gibson, Planner II, dated October 2, 2024
PIDs 008-596-051 and 008-596-042, Lee Creek

  • THAT: ALR Exclusion Application No. 2612F proceed to Stage 2 - Public Consultation as per the requirements of CSRD ALR Exclusion Policy P-24, this 17th day of October 2024.

    Corporate Vote Unweighted Majority

Report from Laura Gibson, Planner II, dated September 27, 2024.
2495 Rocky Point Road, Blind Bay

  • THAT: in accordance with Section 498 of the Local Government Act, Development Variance Permit No. 701-144 for Lot 10 Block 2 Section 30 Township 22 Range 10 West of the 6th Meridian Kamloops Division Yale District Plan 9989, varying South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 as follows:

    1. Section 7.2.5, exterior side parcel line setback, from 4.5 m to 1.5 m, only for the new accessory building with secondary dwelling unit,

    be approved for issuance this 17th day of October, 2024.

    Stakeholder Vote Unweighted (LGA Part 14) Majority

Report from Laura Gibson, Planner II, dated September 25, 2024.
4333 Colebank Road, Falkland

  • THAT: in accordance with Section 498 of the Local Government Act, Development Variance Permit No. 2500-23 for the East ½ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 16 Township 17 Range 11 West of the 6th Meridian Kamloops Division Yale District Except Plans A322 and 29247, varying Salmon Valley Land Use Bylaw No. 2500 as follows:

    1. Section 2.4.3 minimum siting of other buildings and structures or uses from the front parcel line from 10 m to 0 m, only for the east pumphouse (including eaves) and from 10 m to 2 m, only for the west pumphouse (including eaves),

    be approved for issuance this 17th day of October 2024.

    Stakeholder Vote Unweighted (LGA Part 14) Majority

Report from Laura Gibson, Planner II, dated September 25, 2024.
7630 Hudson Road, Anglemont

  • THAT: in accordance with Section 493 of the Local Government Act, Temporary Use Permit No. 830-13 for Lot 57 Section 22 Township 23 Range 9 West of the 6th Meridian Kamloops Division Yale District Plan 19710 be approved for issuance this 17th day of October, 2024 for the temporary use of a recreational vehicle for seasonal accommodation (March 1 to October 31) for the property owners during construction of the single detached dwelling,

    AND THAT: issuance be withheld until the owners have provided financial security in the amount of $5000 in the form of a bank draft, certified cheque, or irrevocable letter of credit, compelling the owners to remove the recreational vehicle if the single detached dwelling has not been granted occupancy by the CSRD Building Official by the date the TUP expires.

    Stakeholder Vote Unweighted (LGA Part 14) Majority

Report from Christine LeFloch, Planner III, dated October 2, 2024.
7601 Highway 97B, Ranchero.

  • THAT: “Ranchero/Deep Creek Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 750-08” be read a first time, this 17th day of October, 2024.

    Stakeholder Vote Unweighted (LGA Part 14) Majority

  • THAT: “Ranchero/Deep Creek Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 751-09” be read a first time, this 17th day of October, 2024.

    Stakeholder Vote Unweighted (LGA Part 14) Majority

  • THAT: the Board utilize the complex consultation process for “Ranchero/Deep Creek Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 750-08” and “Ranchero/Deep Creek Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 751-09” and the bylaws be referred to the following agencies and First Nations:

    • CSRD Financial Services;
    • CSRD Community and Protective Services;
    • CSRD Environmental and Utility Services;
    • Regional District North Okanagan;
    • Interior Health Authority;
    • Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure;
    • Agricultural Land Commission;
    • Ministry of Forests – Archaeology Branch;
    • All applicable First Nations and Bands.

    Stakeholder Vote Unweighted (LGA Part 14) Majority

Attached to minutes, if any.

Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 9:30 AM.
CSRD Boardroom, 555 Harbourfront Drive NE, Salmon Arm.

  • THAT: the Regular Board meeting be adjourned.

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