Regular Board Meeting

Meeting #:
CSRD Boardroom
555 Harbourfront Drive NE, Salmon Arm

Business General


Report from Fiona Barton, Manager Community Services, dated October 4, 2024.

Request from the City of Enderby to register a Statutory Right of Way for future construction of a water truck main within the Rail Trail Lands and parallel to the rail trail.

  • THAT: the Board empower the authorized signatories to sign a Statutory Right of Way, to be registered as a charge on the following Rail Trail Lands:

    PID: 012-955-931, legally described as That Part of District Lot 150 Shown on Plan A402; Kamloops (Formerly Osoyoos) Division Yale District Except Plan 29134; and

    PID: 011-769-343, legally described as That Part District Lot 226 Shown on Plan A402 Kamloops (Formerly Osoyoos) Division Yale District

    in the name of the City of Enderby, for a future water trunk main as shown on legal survey Plan EPP111993.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

Report From Derek Sutherland, General Manager, Community and Protective Services, October 8, 2024. Fire Services Agreement – City of Surrey.

  • THAT: the Board empower the authorized signatories to enter into an agreement with the City of Surrey for the provision of fire dispatch services commencing January 1, 2025 for a five year term, at the following remuneration rates, plus an annual call variable allowance and applicable taxes:

    • January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025 $112,204.00
    • January 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026 $117,873.00
    • January 1, 2027 – December 31, 2027 $123,828.00
    • January 1, 2028 – December 31, 2028 $130,085.00
    • January 1, 2029 – December 31, 2029 $136,657.00

    Corporate Vote Weighted

Business By Area


Report from Fiona Barton, Manager, Community Services, dated October 4, 2024. To renew a provincial licence of occupation for the Whitehead Park and Boat Launch in Electoral Area C.

  • THAT: the Board empower the authorized signatories to obtain a Licence in accordance with the letter dated May 1, 2024, from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship for parks purposes for the Whitehead Road Park & Boat Launch in Electoral Area C.

    AND THAT: the Board will agree to acquire the Licence for the term of 30 years from the Province over that unsurveyed Crown foreshore being part of the bed of Shuswap Lake and fronting on Whitehead Road within the SW1/4 of Section 12, Township 23, Range 9, West of the 6th Meridian, Kamloops Division Yale District, containing 0.12 hectares, more or less, for the purposes of community park and boat launch.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

Report from Fiona Barton, Manager, Community Services, dated October 4, 2024. To renew a provincial licence of occupation for Silver Creek Community Park in Electoral Area D.

  • THAT: the Board empower the authorized signatories to acquire a Licence in accordance with the letter dated March 14, 2024, from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship for parks purposes for the Silver Creek Community Park in Electoral Area D.

    AND THAT: the Board will agree to acquire the Licence for the term of 30 years from the Province over the land that part of Section 32, Township 18, Range 10, West of the Sixth Meridian, Kamloops Division Yale District, containing 0.50 hectares, more or less, for the purposes of Regional Park use.

    Corporate Vote Weighted

Report from Derek Sutherland, General Manager, Community and Protective Services, dated October 9, 2024. Road rescue service establishment in specified fire suppression areas

  • THAT: an assent process for service delivery be undertaken to provide service within the fire suppression boundaries of the South Shuswap sub-regional fire service area in Area C and G, Falkland, and North Shuswap sub-regional fire service boundaries.

    AND THAT: the Board allocate $40,000 per service establishment from the Electoral Area feasibility study funds for the purpose of engaging the electorate in a service establishment referendum.

    Corporate Vote Unweighted Majority

  • S

Late Agenda - added section (f).

  • THAT: pursuant to Section 90(1) of the Community Charter, the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following:

    (f) law enforcement, if the board considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment;

    (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;

    (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public;

    AND THAT: the Board close this portion of the meeting to the public and move to into the Closed Session of the meeting.