Note: The following minutes are subject to correction when endorsed by the Board at the next regular Board meeting.

Meeting #:
CSRD Boardroom
555 Harbourfront Drive NE, Salmon Arm
Directors Present
  • K. Cathcart
  • P. Demenok
  • R. Talbot
  • R. Martin
  • L. Morgan
Directors Absent
  • L. Parker
Staff Present
  • C. Hamilton
  • C. Kraft
  • E. Johnson
  • L. Schumi

The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:33 AM.

  • Motion
    Moved ByDirector Talbot
    Seconded ByDirector Morgan

    THAT: the agenda of June 27, 2017 Electoral Area Directors’ Committee meeting be approved.

  • Motion
    Moved ByDirector Morgan
    Seconded ByDirector Talbot

    THAT: the minutes the minutes of the April 4, 2017 Electoral Area Directors’ Committee meeting be adopted.


Report from Dan Passmore, Senior Planner, dated May 25, 2017.

Housekeeping Amendments.

Mr. Passmore reviewed his report on the amendments recommended by staff. Proposed amendments would provide more clarity in definitions, especially what documents are required from applicants for Subdivisions. Most Schedules attached to the original bylaw would be removed.

In response to a question regarding driveway access, Mr. Passmore stated that the access permit issued by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure deals with jurisdiction over the Right-of-Way, beyond that it is not regulated so the onus falls on Local Government. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) have the ability to provide direction as to what is needed and these amendments will reflect that.

Mr. Passmore continued to report on the proposed amendments, noting the streamlining of applications through arrangements with the Ministry of Transportation (MoT), the approving authority for subdivisions. There is now the ability to bypass Interior Health with regard to On-site sewer systems, as they are now being reviewed by Development Services staff.

Discussion around water servicing and licencing. In responding to a question regarding removing White Lake as an eligible water source, Mr. Passmore stated the Province has informed the CSRD that White Lake has maxed out its source. Part of the referral process is consultation with the Province, and White Lake is in a unique situation when it comes viable drinking water. The Chair suggested inviting White Lake Water Users Community to have a discussion and get feedback about this water issue.

Questions arose on how to get the public informed on these changes as the website and social media is not always the best way to inform the public in some areas. Concerns the information will get lost with removing the Schedules. Mr. Passmore responded that although the Development Services staff are wanting to reduce the amount of paper used, they will update the guidelines and ensure applicants are well informed of the new streamlined process. Mr. Passmore concluded that he welcomes Director’s feedback and comments on the new proposed bylaw.

  • Motion
    Moved ByDirector Martin
    Seconded ByDirector Morgan

    THAT: the above motion be amended to remove the word 'potentiatlly.'




  • Motion
    Moved ByDirector Morgan
    Seconded ByDirector Talbot

    THAT: the Electoral Area Directors' Committee receive this report and consider the proposed amendments to Subdivision Servicing Bylaw No. 641.

  • Motion
    Moved ByDirector Morgan
    Seconded ByDirector Talbot

    THAT: the Electoral Area Directors' Committee direct staff to refer this report together with the amended Subdivision Servicing Bylaw No. 641-2 to referral agencies, stakeholders, special interest groups and potentially the public to obtain input prior to Board consideration of the bylaw for first reading.


April 4, 2017: Chair Demenok asked the Electoral Area Directors to draft a list of priority roads for their respective areas and defer to the next Electoral Area Directors meeting on June 27, 2017 for discussion.

Letter from JPW, following up from April 4, 2017 meeting, attached along with draft response from Chair Demenok.

The Chair requested the Committee review the draft response letter to JPW Road & Bridge Inc. and provide comments by the end of this week (June 30, 2017) so that the Chair may amend the letter and then send it.

Does not pertain to Areas ‘A’ or ‘B’ as a different company is contracted for the rural roads in those areas.


Requested by Chair Demenok. Brought forward from April 4, 2017.

View Website: http://www.soscp.org/

  • Motion
    Moved ByDirector Morgan
    Seconded ByDirector Talbot

    THAT: the Electoral Area Directors' Committee invite Bryn White, Executive Director of South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program to present as a delegation at a future regular Board meeting to give information on their conservation program.


April 4, 2017: Chair Demenok advised that he would like to see a Terms of Reference for the Committee. Currently there is no tracking mechanism for topics and recommendations coming out of Committee meetings.

Update from staff: new meeting management software, eSCRIBE, has tasking options to assign action items to staff and contains reporting options on outstanding action items.

The Chair brought forward the Strathcona Regional District’s Terms of Reference which the Electoral Area Directors Committee could use as a guideline. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) explained to the Committee that the Board of Directors can delegate corporate authority to the Committee in order to make decisions on matters. The CAO suggested draft a Terms of Reference for approval by the Regular Board for inclusion into the Policy Book and then the Committee can amend as needed.

There was some discussion around preparing the agenda and making the process a collaborative effort on agenda items and formalizing the approval process and tracking motions. It was noted that with the new meeting management software, eSCRIBE, it will be easier for tasking staff and tracking outcomes of the meetings.

Short Break

  • Motion
    Moved ByDirector Martin
    Seconded ByDirector Morgan

    THAT: staff be directed to draft a Terms of Reference for the Electoral Area Directors' Committee and be brought forward for approval by the regular Board of Directors at the July regular Board meeting.


Request from Chair Demenok. Notes on discussion points in attachment.

Reconvened at 10:42 AM

The Chair would like the Committee to discuss the possibility of business licencing in the CSRD just as the Central Okanagan Regional District (CORD) does at present. What are the benefits? Could provide a funding stream for local business groups and help economic development. In response, the CAO explained it is a harmonized rationale as CORD is a smaller district so businesses can operate in different jurisdictions, rather than acquiring many different licences. The CAO explained that the cost would outweigh the benefits, setting up a licencing office and ensuring enforcement provisions are in place would take all revenue and therefore there would be no funds left for business groups or the Chamber of Commerce and potentially create more issues. The CAO confirmed need special permission from Province for a provision for business licensing.

Discussion around business licensing being a regulatory tool for cannabis and creating a large revenue, how regulation would compare to regulating alcohol and tobacco and possible collaboration with neighbouring municipalities in order to regulate effectively. Number of issues around population, public consumption, location of these retail shops and hours, etc.

It was noted that Development Services staff are facing larger priorities at this time and does not believe the CSRD should get involved just yet as Province already has stringent rules on bigger dispensary operations. Suggested keeping on top of news bulletins and emails on this issue; wait and see if and when CSRD involvement is necessary.

Request from Chair Demenok. Notes on discussion points in attachment.

This matter is related to Business Licencing in the Electoral Areas/Regional Districts and was already discussed so the Chair moved on to the next item.

Requested by Chair Demenok. Notes on discussion points in attachment.

The CAO commented on the report made by the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, City of Salmon Arm and Salmon Arm Economic Development Society’s Workshop on Economic Development in the Shuswap on August 25, 2009. Key point is ownership; municipalities and rural areas wanted separate economic development efforts, showed no sub-regional interest.

Questions around possibly looking at a non-profit economic development organization just for the Shuswap regions, it being noted that non-profits are eligible for grants and provincial funding. It could simplify the process in terms of the people involved. The Committee discussed the suggestion of hiring a Consultant to examine the positive and negative implications of non-profit groups being involved.

Staff pointed out that an addendum would be required to the current Terms of Reference of the Shuswap Economic Development structure.

Comment made around business owners may not have the time nor the resources to attend meeting for a society, given the driving distances to Salmon Arm from rural areas of the regional district.

  • Motion
    Moved ByDirector Morgan
    Seconded ByDirector Talbot

    THAT: Electoral Area Directors Committee recommend to the Shuswap Economic Development Committee that a review of their organizational structure and governance as part of their Shuswap Economic Development strategy be completed and any recommendations brought forward be reported to the Electoral Area Directors' Committee;

    AND THAT: the Shuswap Economic Development Committee consult with Robyn Cyr, Economic Development Officer, for feedback on budgetary concerns;

    AND FURTHER THAT: the recommendations be considered at the next Shuswap Economic Development Committee meeting in September.



  • Motion
    Moved ByDirector Morgan
    Seconded ByDirector Talbot

    THAT: the Electoral Area Directors' Committee meeting be adjourned.